Category horror

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-21

The more I hear about Iraqi gangster drama “The Devil’s Double,” the more curious I am to see it. # Aziz Ansari was the best thing about “30 Minutes or Less.” Hands down. # “Play My Games,” as featured this weekend on “This American Life”: # Here’s a nice way to end […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-14

Winner: “Sixteen Candles” RT @EW Teen Choice Awards 2011: Justin Bieber, Joe Jonas,etc., share their fave teen comedies # Yikes. RT @TheAVClub The Farrelly Brothers’ Three Stooges movie brings in “Jersey Shore” cast. # Real-life replica of “Up” house is featured in Utah’s Salt Lake Parade of Homes. # Looks amazing. RT […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07

Oscar winner Helen Mirren named “Body of the Year” by LA Fitness users. Good for her! # Yay! RT@ TheAVClub Great Job, Internet: Celebrate five years of Rifftrax with five minutes of Riff-tastic highlights # Calling all my pals in Portland, San Diego, etc. Vote to bring “Attack the Block” to your town! […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-29

Enjoyed last nite’s Groundlings show at the PAC. Fun to see from the girl from “Workaholics” in person. #TheGroundlings #Workaholics #MTV # Remembering groundbreaking comic Gilda Radner. # More stories from the “World’s Greatest Stuntman,” Vic Armstrong. # Can I just say “Eeeeeee!”? RT @slashfilm ‘The Muppets’ Teaser Trailer # Why Zach […]

Movie icons in miniature

Look closely: Can you identify these famous movie characters? A while back, I invited you, my fellow film fanatics,  to test your movie knowledge with “The Cryptic Canvas”. Some rose to the challenge and correctly identified all 50 picture puzzles. Others simply gave up. (I’m looking at you, Pat.) Now I’ve got a fresh challenge […]

"Evil Dead" in 60 seconds

A fan pays homage to Sam Raimi’s horror classic “The Evil Dead” Nobody could have mistaken Sam Raimi’s directorial debut, “The Evil Dead,” for anything other than a bloody, brilliant,  ultra-low budget gorefest. Filmed on a shoestring budget by a group of underpaid, overworked amateurs,  “Evil Dead” follows five Michigan State University students who journey […]

"The Wolfman" is a howl

“Wolfman” director Joe Johnston goes through buckets of blood and miles of sausage casing as he pours on the gore. Humans are beheaded, disemboweled, maimed and tossed through the air like ragdolls. Bloodcurdling shrieks and spine-tingling howls pierce the night air with the regularity of police sirens.

Let's Get Victorian

From “Sherlock Holmes” to “The Wolf Man,” there’s a new slew of movies set in the Victorian era These days, Queen Victoria reigns over the cineplex. The 19th-century British monarch, known for her far-reaching empire, strict moral standards and splendid taste in silk stockings, is the uniting factor in a bevy of recent and upcoming […]

Wes Anderson's "Rushmore": Be true to your school

  “Rushmore”  and “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” play this week If you’ve ever wondered what director Wes Anderson was like as a kid, watch “Rushmore.” Jason Schwartzman stars as Max Fischer, the world’s biggest overachiever. A sophomore at upscale Rushmore Academy, Max has a deep-seated sense of school pride that encompasses countless clubs and […]

What scares Martin Scorsese?

 Hollywood actors and directors share what movies scare them Adrien Brody freaked out the first time he saw “Jaws.” Channing Tatum and Abbie Cornish acquired a fear of clowns while watching “It.” And Casey Affleck says “The Thing” — John Carpenter’s spine-tingling thriller about shape-shifting aliens in Antarctica — is “absolutely terrifying.” It seems that […]