Monthly Archives: August 2011

Ancient healing

Peru is the site of a spiritual journey in “Stepping Into the Fire” A New York Stock Exchange trader turns to an ancient Peruvian healing art in the documentary “Stepping Into the Fire,” screening tonight in San Luis Obispo. The film follows a stock broker, Roberto Velez, who finds himself in search of direction and […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-28

I heart her. RT @vulture Evan Rachel Wood loves Justin Bieber, thinks Ryan Gosling is the second coming of James Dean: # Parker Posey talks about “The Big C,” “Best in Show,” “Clockwatchers” and “Dazed and Confused.” # Ray Bradbury’s stories have inspired several films, but I’ll always remember “The Electric Grandmother.” […]

Brit rock invades the Central Coast

Meet the Beatles and the Rolling Stones at third annual British Invasion Vina Robles Winery invites you to celebrate Swinging London this weekend during its third annual “British Invasion.” The festivities include a screening of The Beatles’ famous first appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964, followed by Martin Scorsese’s career-spanning documentary about the […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-21

The more I hear about Iraqi gangster drama “The Devil’s Double,” the more curious I am to see it. # Aziz Ansari was the best thing about “30 Minutes or Less.” Hands down. # “Play My Games,” as featured this weekend on “This American Life”: # Here’s a nice way to end […]

Indiana Jones swings into action in "Raiders"

This week’s offerings include “Yogi Bear,” “Raiders of the Lost Ark” The week gets off to an artful start with “Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress and the Tangerine,” screening tonight in San Luis Obispo. Directed by Marion Cajori and Amei Wallach, the documentary takes audience members inside the world of modern art legend and […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-14

Winner: “Sixteen Candles” RT @EW Teen Choice Awards 2011: Justin Bieber, Joe Jonas,etc., share their fave teen comedies # Yikes. RT @TheAVClub The Farrelly Brothers’ Three Stooges movie brings in “Jersey Shore” cast. # Real-life replica of “Up” house is featured in Utah’s Salt Lake Parade of Homes. # Looks amazing. RT […]

Kiss me, Kate Hepburn

Katherine Hepburn stars in “African Queen,” “Philadelphia Story” Hollywood always did have a crush on Katherine Hepburn. Two of the movies screening in San Luis Obispo County this week feature the Oscar-winning actress — she of the high cheekbones, long, athletic limbs and clipped New England accent — as an object of desire. In “The […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07

Oscar winner Helen Mirren named “Body of the Year” by LA Fitness users. Good for her! # Yay! RT@ TheAVClub Great Job, Internet: Celebrate five years of Rifftrax with five minutes of Riff-tastic highlights # Calling all my pals in Portland, San Diego, etc. Vote to bring “Attack the Block” to your town! […]

Family-friendly fun under the stars

A Viking teenager (Jay Baruchel) befriends a dragon in “How to Train Your Dragon.” This week’s offerings include “How to Train Your Dragon,” “Mary Poppins” I can’t think of a better way spend the last days of summer than watching movies under the stars. Fortunately for local film fans, August offers a number of outdoor […]