Monthly Archives: January 2011

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-30

Now in the works, biopics about Alfred Hitchcock and Bob Fosse. # RIP fitness guru Jack LaLanne. # RT @defamer Are These Doritos Super Bowl Commercials Offensive? My vote is "yes." # Now that the Oscar nominations have been announced, I have a lot of catching up to do! # RT @ […]

Where to watch the Oscar nominees

Join the mad scramble to see all the Academy Award-nominated movies Most of the year, I’m a casual moviegoer. I take in a critically acclaimed drama here, a lowbrow comedy there. Once the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announces its nominations, however, I kick into high gear. The next month is a mad […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-23

Ricky Gervais did a splendid job of hosting the Golden Globes last night. I'll take frankness over fawning adoration any day of the week. # The way people were acting, you'd think they'd never seen "Extras," "The Office" or "The Ricky Gervais Show." # Further proof that Ron Perlman and Guillermo del Toro are soulmates: […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-11-04

Ricky Gervais did a splendid job of hosting the Golden Globes last night. I'll take frankness over fawning adoration any day of the week. # The way people were acting, you'd think they'd never seen "Extras," "The Office" or "The Ricky Gervais Show." # Further proof that Ron Perlman and Guillermo del Toro are soulmates: […]