Rockin' with the Governator

 The hard-rockin’ band ArnoCorps draws its inspiration from California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger

Arnold Schwarzenegger may be the only “Action Hero” with a band dedicated to him

If there’s any music group that deserves to call itself “The Greatest Band of All Time,” it’s ArnoCorps.

ArnoCorps (pronounced “är-no-kôr”) is a Berkeley-based band that draws its inspiration from the “Last Action Hero” himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

This hard-rockin’ quintet performs in full combat gear, slugs water from canteens and plays original songs inspired by Austrian folklore that sound suspiciously like the plots of Schwarzenegger movies. (The fact that the tracks on the group’s debut album have titles like “Predator,” “True Lies” and “Total Recall” must be mere coincidence.)

Their sole purpose? To pump audiences up by subjecting them to a full-frontal “action adventure audio assault.”

Musically the band sounds like a beefed-up Turbonegro with an ominous edge, fronted by an Austrian death metal vocalist,” Metal Hammer Magazine explained in 2006. “The band’s unique vision … places them somewhere in the hinterland where rock meets metal…”

My fellow bloggers at The recently attended an ArnoCorps concert in Seattle.

Matt and Devon are longtime ArnoCorps fans, as you might judge from this downright estatic podcast. They also adore Arnold Schwarzenegger with a passion normally reserved for one’s first steady girlfriend or beloved pet.

So when the righteous fury of ArnoCorps descended on El Corazon on Aug. 21, the men of Heavy Duty had no choice but to go.

You can see a video shot at the Aug. 21 concert right here.

(A cautionary note: The Heavy Duty is “a blog about metal for metal duders,” so its content, although freakin’ hilarious, is possibly not safe for work. You might want to ask any small children, kittens or emo bands to leave the room, too.)

In other Arnold-related news, the California governor recently revealed on that he keeps the massive broadsword he wielded in “Conan The Barbarian” in his office. In Sacramento. In the state capital building.

Oh, the things you learn on Twitter!


Thanks to for the tip.

Photo courtesy of


  1. man from moqui · ·

    This is great news coming just days before the anniversary of Terminator Judgment Day.

    Terminator: In a few months, he (Miles Dyson) will create a revolutionary type of microprocessor.

    Sarah: Go on. Then what?

    Terminator: In three years, Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet funding bill is passed. The system goes online on August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware 2:14 AM, Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

  2. Their latest single: “Budget Crisis,” to be followed, eventually, by “Tax Hike,” set to appear on the album “Furlough.”

    No, wait — better yet: Their new lead singer: Edward Furlough.

    Get it? Instead of Edward Furlong, the T2 kid? Edward FURLOUGH?

    YES — I RULE!!!