Monthly Archives: August 2009

Michael Cera, man-child

Will actor Michael Cera ever graduate from high school? I’m getting worried about Michael Cera. For the past six or so years, the young actor with the puppy-dog eyes and nervous laugh has been locked in perpetual adolescence. He routinely plays high schoolers plagued by shyness and self-doubt. His movies revolve around time-honored rites of […]

Local guy makes music magic in "Wizards" movie

Morro Bay native Greg Garman appears in “Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie” Central Coast residents will see a familiar face when “Wizards of Waverly: The Movie” premieres tonight on the Disney Channel: Morro Bay native Greg Garman. Greg, 22, is the drummer for Selena Gomez and the Scene, fronted by the cute, bubbly “Wizards […]

Rockin' with the Governator

  Arnold Schwarzenegger may be the only “Action Hero” with a band dedicated to him If there’s any music group that deserves to call itself “The Greatest Band of All Time,” it’s ArnoCorps. ArnoCorps (pronounced “är-no-kôr”) is a Berkeley-based band that draws its inspiration from the “Last Action Hero” himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. This hard-rockin’ quintet […]

Goonies never say die

  My recent pilgrimage to Astoria, Ore., filming location of “The Goonies” Last week, my boyfriend and I trekked to Astoria, Ore., on a film pilgrimage. Our destination? The so-called “Goonies House,” a white, two-story Victorian home located at 38th and Duane streets. Our soundtrack? Cyndi Lauper’s boppin’ “The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough.” Damn right. […]

Hail to the king, baby!

Bruce Campbell battles the forces of evil in “Army of Darkness” “Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up! You see this? This … is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart’s top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That’s right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails […]

Fred and Ginger, meet Bonnie and Clyde

“(500) Days of Summer” co-stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel cut a rug You have to admire an actor who can dance. Movie stars have been sashaying on screen ever since Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers whirled around the dance floor in “Top Hat.” They’ve waltzed through period dramas. They’ve tapped, tangoed and sambaed in […]

The Bard on the Big Screen

Catch “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” then see Shakespeare on film A few days ago, I sat in Paso Robles watching an outdoor performance of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” As the warmth of the summer evening and William Shakespeare’s intoxicating dreamscape enveloped me, I found my mind drifting to another time, another place. I was transported, […]

"(500) Days of Summer": Romance versus reality

  New romantic comedy “(500) Days of Summer” challenges fairytale love  As we’re told from the onset of “(500) Days of Summer,” “This is not a love story. This is a story about love.” It’s a story about lust, longing and the incomprehensible rules of attraction. About meeting cute and splitting up. About ecstasy and […]

Bringing childhood to life

  Could “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” “Where the Wild Things Are” restore my faith in Hollywood? Last week, I unleashed my inner curmudgeon. I took Hollywood executives to task for the latest slate of sequels, remakes and repackaged properties, for relying on action figures, video games and Saturday morning cartoons in order to make a […]

What "G.I. Joe" does for fun

Ever wonder what the intrepid men and women of “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” do in their off-hours?Just watch “The Ballad of G.I. Joe,” the latest offering from the comedy geniuses at recognize more than a few famous faces in the above video, including Billy Crudup (Zartan), Zach Galifiankais (Snow Job), Julianne Moore […]