Monthly Archives: July 2009

Judas Priest rocks — so does Ron Jeremy

Porn star Ron Jeremy was among the fans at Wednesday’s rockin’ Judas Priest concert About a minute before my friends arrived at the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles, porn star Ron Jeremy sauntered through the Gregory Street gate. There was no mistaking him:  That short, compact frame. That thick porn ‘stache. That hangdog face […]

Is "G-Force" the end of American animation?

What qualifies as an animation classic these days?  If you’ve ever doubted it, here’s proof of the impending apocalypse: In less than a week, “G-Force” has grossed $35.9 million at the domestic box office. “G-Force,” which opened July 24, follows an elite squad of super-spy gerbils who work for the U.S. government. Armed with the […]

Close Encounters of the Cuddly Kind

Steven Spielberg’s classic sci-film reveals that “We are not alone” Whether you believe in extraterrestrial life or scoff at reports of crop circles and flying saucers, “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” has an unmistakable charm. Steven Spielberg’s family-friendly blockbuster takes a controversial subject — visitors from the stars — and infuses it with warmth […]

Harry Potter grows up in "Half-Blood Prince"

The beloved series reaches maturity with “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” Harry Potter — the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, the kid with the lightning-shaped scar — is all grown up. Over the past seven or so years, we’ve watched Harry go from a cute, precocious tyke eager to make friends to an […]

Your first glimpse at "Alice in Wonderland"

Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” among delights at Comic-Con International Fans got glimpses of some of Hollywood’s hottest properties yesterday at Comic-Con International in San Diego. Vampire lovers swooned over the dreamy cast of “Twilight” sequel “New Moon.” Science fiction fans freaked out about James Cameron’s long-awaited “Avatar.” And nostalgic nerds cheered as Disney revealed […]

Say It Loud: Geeky and Proud

  At Comic-Con International, the geeks have inherited the Earth Last night, talk show host Jimmy Fallon dedicated a portion of his opening monologue to Comic-Con International, “the biggest virgin … I’s sorry, comic book convention in the world.” That’s Fallon’s joke, not mine. Fallon jokingly dubbed Comic-Con as “Asthmafest ’09” and described the first-ever […]

Fighting to save the future in "12 Monkeys"

  Terry Gilliam’s classic science fiction thriller doesn’t monkey around The year is 1990. The place, Baltimore, Md. There’s a bald, bedraggled man claiming to be a time traveler sent to prevent a devastating worldwide plague. He’s distraught and clearly disturbed. What do you do? Easy. You arrest him and commit him to an insane […]

A day after "Jeopardy!", I'm feeling the love

  Now that the show’s aired, I can answer all your “Jeopardy!” questions First of all, I’d like to send a hearty, heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who tuned in last night to watch me on “Jeopardy!” Countless family, friends and co-workers cheered me on as I made my national television debut. They organized viewing […]

Watch me tonight on "Jeopardy!"

 After months of waiting, I’ll be appearing on the popular TV game show This is it. The wait is finally over. Tonight, I make my national television debut on the popular game show “Jeopardy!” At least nine million viewers will tune in tonight to see me match minds with some of the smartest people in […]

A fascinating "Moon" mission

In honor of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing, here’s a review of the movie “Moon,” now playing at The Palm Theatre in San Luis Obispo. Directed by David Bowie’s son, “Moon” is a throwback to psychological sci-fi “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” and “Moon” lie at precisely opposite ends of the […]