Monthly Archives: June 2009

"West Side Story" for the Digital Age See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. spoofs popular Web sites with “West Side Story” parody Everybody loves musicals. Especially nerds. As “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog” proved last summer, Internet users are more than willing to watch people sing and dance. They flock to YouTube music videos. They go crazy for […]

Sean Connery loves bunnies, whisky

  Scottish movie star Sean Connery sells big in Japan, it seems Do stars have no shame? Last week, I shared how Lee Majors, star of the hit ’70s television show “The Million Dollar Man,” is supporting his retirement with hearing aid endorsements. This week, I’ve got another offbeat celebrity endorsement to share with y’all: […]

Good Michael, Bad Michael

It’s tempting to take a different approach to mourning Michael Jackson As my fellow blogger Pat Pemberton writes today, “Mourning Michael Jackson is not easy.” Michael Jackson is the perfect example of what happens when a celebrity’s notoriety eclipses his or her fame. It’s difficult to praise his musical genius, skilled choreography and unmistakable talent […]

How I'll always remember Michael

Remembering Michael Jackson, The King of Pop I’ve never been a huge Michael Jackson fan. I can sing along to a few of Jackson’s catchier songs such “Billie Jean,” “Bad” and “Black or White.” I’ve done the moon walk and the “Thriller” dance. I’ve even sported a single glove. But when I try to remember […]

"The Brothers Bloom": The con is on

Director Rian Johnson pulls a near-perfect con with “The Brothers Bloom” As character after character in “The Brothers Bloom” explains, the perfect con ends with everybody getting everything they want. Writer-director Rian Johnson played a confidence scam of sorts in his brilliant debut film “Brick” —  setting a dark film noir amidst the halls of […]

More Oscars than ever?

Number of Best Picture nominees is doubling, Academy says Oh Oscar! Here’s a shocker. As a number of news agencies have reported, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences is doubling the number of films that can be nominated for the coveted Best Picture category. Earlier this year, five movies vied for Best Picture […]

"True Romance" and other delights

This week’s film offerings include a James Bond movie and a Hitchcock thriller What could be more romantic than killing your girlfriend’s pimp? If your answer is “nothing,” you’re the perfect audience for “True Romance.” Directed by Tony Scott and written by Quentin Taratino, “True Romance” centers on a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde whose passion […]

"The Six Million Dollar Man": The Later Years

Lee Majors, aka Steve Austin, endorses the “bionic” hearing aid Celebrity endorsements are nothing new. In fact, they’ve been an essential part of the advertising industry since the 19th century, when His Holiness Pope Leo XIII endorsed Vin Mariani, a cocaine-laced “wine tonic” guaranteed to restore health, strength, energy and vitality. (Thomas Edison and Queen […]

The sweeter side of summer

  Romantic comedies make for a kinder, gentler summer Summer is usually associated with blockbusters — big, bombastic action movies that sizzle with explosions, gunfights, special effects and hot babes. But there’s a sweeter side of summer that’s often ignored, at least by younger moviegoers. The season of month-long flings and under-the-stars sleepovers is also […]

Nerd supreme: "Napoleon Dynamite"

  “Napoleon Dynamite” celebrates three-piece suits, ligers, tater tots Indie comedies as a whole are a pretty quirky bunch. They follow bizarre plotlines. They focus on odd individuals with peculiar ticks. “Napoleon Dynamite,” the Hess brothers’ oddball coming-of-age tale, takes weird to a whole new level. Directed by Jared Hess, “Napoleon Dynamite” centers on one […]