Monthly Archives: February 2009

"The Office" meets Billy Joel

  Here’s a Friday treat for all you fans of NBC’s “The Office.” The mad geniuses over at have created a music video for their hilarious version of “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” Much like the Billy Joel hit, “Ryan Started the Fire” runs through a rockin’ laundry list of allusions, all of them […]

What's so funny about fat people?

Hollywood’s obsession with fat suits: When will the hilarity, um, start?  Who ever decided the fat suit was funny? Fat suits — those plush wads of padding that turn svelte stars into porkers and leading men into plump elderly women — have become a kind of comic shorthand for Hollywood these days.  Want a few […]

Martial arts masterpiece "Enter the Dragon"

They call him Bruce: “Enter the Dragon” reveals Bruce Lee’s legacy “Enter the Dragon” is so much more than a martial arts movie. The first kung fu movie made by a major Hollywood studio, the film made martial arts master Bruce Lee a pop culture icon and set Chinese stuntmen Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung […]

And the Oscar went to …

“Slumdog Millionaire” sweeps Oscars, Sarah Jessica Parker’s dress swipes cameraman If award ceremonies were sporting events, the Oscars would be the cinematic equivalent of the Olympics — a marathon stretch of speeches, commercials and dance numbers that only the fittest survive. This year’s Oscars, held Sunday at Los Angeles’ Kodak Theater, were no exception. There […]

LIVE from the Oscars — NOW

Okay, I’m live and tweeting. Check out my Twitter feed on the Oscars right here.

LIVE from the Oscars

I’m reporting on the Oscars live via Twitter Well, folks, the great moment has arrived. It’s OSCAR TIME! Tonight, you can find me dishing the dirt on celebrities, movies and the Academy Awards right here on Twitter. That’s right, ladies and germs. Go to my Twitter feed and read my comments as they rolling in, […]

Filmic food for thought

Meet “Everyman,” cheer Zorro and sing along with Meryl Streep Local filmmaker Paul Gray offers a sneak peak at his latest film, “Everyman,” tonight in San Luis Obispo. Reminiscent of Francois Truffaut’s “Farenheit 451” and Michael Radford’s “1984,” this post-apocalyptic mystery play pits the title Everyman against an oppressive society controlled by a demonic computerized […]

Tweet tweet! I'm on Twitter

This just in: “She Likes to Watch” joins 21st century I’ve always been a bit of a Luddite. It took me years to get a cell phone, and even longer to upgrade to a flip version that actually (gasp) sends texts and takes pictures. My laptop doubles as a hot plate. As far as social […]

A bit of the old ultra-violence

“A Clockwork Orange” gives frightening view of the future As far as science fiction flicks go, 1971’s “A Clockwork Orange” is an undisputed classic. Based on the 1962 novel by Anthony Burgess, “A Clockwork Orange” takes place in a nightmarish new Britain beset by crime and decay. Youth gangs roam the streets and slums, while […]

Why Oscar snubs hurt

Oscar the Grouch: Why does the Academy snub good films? It happens like clockwork. Every year, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences releases its list of Oscar nominees. And every year, the nation’s film critics and cinephiles like myself whine and moan about how the Academy has once again passed over true genius […]