Urban warriors in NYC

“The Warriors”

Snappily dressed street toughs rule New York in “The Warriors”

As “The Warriors” reminds us, the late 1970s were a grim time for New York City.

Citywide blackouts sparked fires and rioting. Big Apple residents struggled to survive amid high energy costs and a nation in economic crisis. Armed gangs roamed the streets as the serial killer known as Son of Sam terrorized an entire city.

Life in the Big Apple has changed considerably since 1979, but “The Warriors” remains a cult classic for scores of hard-hitting heavies (also known as film goers).

As “The Warriors” opens, nine street toughs from the titular Coney Island gang are heading to The Bronx for the ultimate meeting between the “armies of the night.”

Cyrus, leader of the mighty Grammercy Riffs, plans to unite the city’s gangs to create a 60,000-strong force to overpower the police. Just as he finishes his speech, however, the Rogues’ psychotic gangleader, Luther, shoots him.

Panic ensues and the Warriors take the blame.

Now there’s a slew of rival gangs gunning for the hapless guys — ranging from the lovely Lizzies to the bat-wielding, uniformed Baseball Furies. Will the weaponless Warriors survive? Can they reach home base before they’re picked off by rival gangs?

Director Walter Hill sets the stylistic action in a urban playground of subway tunnels, parks, bridges and abandoned buildings. Moody cinematography and a synth-heavy rock score also evoke the period.

Although the appeal of “Warriors” stems mainly from its crowd-pleasing mix of violence and youth rebellion, I have to imagine that nostalgia also comes into play. There’s just something beautiful about a time when thugs could walk the streets in top hats, purple vests and overalls without fear of mockery.


“The Warriors” will be screened tonight at The Palm Theatre, 817 Palm St. in San Luis Obispo. Showtimes are 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Tickets are $7.50.

In the meantime, check out Rockstar’s video game version of the movie, released October 2005.
There’s also talk of a remake directed and produced by Tony Scott (“Man on Fire,” “Crimson Tide”), due out in 2010.


Photo courtesy of WarriorsMovieUK.com — a font of “Warriors” knowledge.

This all-inclusive Web site boasts everything from film stills and production photos to interviews, sound clips and artwork. There’s even a rundown of the myriad gangs pictured or mentioned in the film and script, from The Alleycats to The Zulus.


  1. I remember seeing this movie and later thinking I must have just dreamt it.

  2. hmmm sounds like an interesting movie. Thanks for keeping us updated. Great blog you have here, I like the layout, I may come back at some point.

    Jonathan Muller

  3. “The Warriors”!!! beautiful film, I had forgotten. mythical’80s!
    Greetings from italy!