Monthly Archives: February 2008

Up your nose with old TV shows

Here’s a piece of advice for you couch potatoes out there: If you had a favorite TV show while growing up, don’t ever watch it again. Chances are, once you see it as an adult, you’ll be greatly disappointed. More importantly, don’t watch your favorite shows from yesteryear with someone who’s never seen them. Because […]

Oh, Oscar

Was it just me, or did the Oscars seem a little, well, obvious? Well-coifed actresses in sleek, off-the-shoulder gowns. Spotlights. Strings. A tuxedo-clad host with a few sharp quips. (Some of Jon Stewart’s patter felt so stiff, however, that I have to blame the Hollywood writers’ strike.) There were no wardrobe malfunctions, no flubs, no […]

Peter Fonda, wild and on wheels

Talk about a spooky coincidence. Just hours before local movie maven Wendy Eidson announced that Oscar nominee Peter Fonda will be coming to San Luis Obispo next month, Ticket editor Justin Hoeger and I were talking about the lanky blonde actor’s cameo in “Ghost Rider.” Fonda, you see, was the only bright spot in the […]

Movies on a smaller scale

February is a busy month for movie lovers. We cram into theater after packed theater, eagerly absorbing the year’s best films in anticipation of that giant circus-cum-popularity contest known as the Oscars. By the actual awards ceremony rolls around, we can barely keep our glazed eyes open. If you’re weary of big-budget bonanzas like “Atonement” […]

'Mutts' author finds his Zen in sync with 'The Big Lebowski'

“I won’t say a hero, ’cause, what’s a hero? Sometimes, there’s a man. And I’m talkin’ about the Dude here — the Dude from Los Angeles. Sometimes, there’s a man, well, he’s the man for his time and place. He fits right in there. And that’s the Dude.” — The Stranger, in “The Big Lebowski” […]

Surf movie returns

Trevor Povah wasn’t sure how local crowds would react to his surf movie, “Lost in the Middle.” But he got his answer last month when crowds lined up to see his 30-minute feature, which spotlights local surfers, surf spots and musicians. More than 100 people had to be turned away at Downtown Brew, which is […]

My election confession

Clark Kent spends coffee breaks as Superman. Playboy billionare Bruce Wayne dons a bat suit and boots during his off-hours. I moonlight as a reporter. Every election night, this mild-mannered features writer transforms into a fearsome Associated Press stringer. My mission? To call in votes as they’re counted by county Clerk-Recorder Julie Rodewald and her […]

Don't call us, we'll call you

Okay, so I guess I’m full of it. Before we took our 4-year-old daughter, Sunny, to audition for the movie “Blue Valentine” in Morro Bay yesterday, I cooly suggested that we were merely going for the experience. You know, so one day Sunny could say something like, “Yeah, I tried out for a movie when […]