Latino life at the movies

This month, HopeDance Magazine offers two perspectives on Latino life.
On Tuesday night, the magazine will screen “Cuba: An Accidental Revolution” at the San Luis Obispo Library.
The documentary shows Cuba making strides in education, health care, agriculture and free enterprise toward an independent, sustainable economy.
It’s narrated by David Suzuki, the scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster most recently featured in enviro-doc “The 11th Hour.”
Catch the two-part “Cuba: An Accidental Revolution” Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the library, 995 Palm Street in San Luis Obispo.
A donation of $5 is suggested.

HopeDance offers another documentary about social change next week.
“Made in L.A” follows three Latina immigrants working in Los Angeles’ garment sweatshops. The film chronicles their struggle to win basic labor protections from a trendy clothing retailer.
According to the online Internet Movie Database, director Almudena Carracedo co-wrote the documentary and did extra duty as the 2007 film’s cinematographer, producer and editor.
“Made in L.A.” will be screened at 7 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 26, at the San Luis Obispo library. Donations of $5 are encouraged.

For more information on both events, visit

— Sarah L.