Simpsonize me

So I was a little late coming in this morning. I was actually doing some computer work from home, though I guess it wasn’t really work work, as such.

I had to Simpsonize myself.

If you haven’t heard of this, basically you can create a Simpsons character that looks like yourself. Just go to, upload a photo of yourself, adjust the features and — voila — it’s your own personal Homer.

Of course, it’s a blatant marketing ploy, for both “The Simpsons Movie” and Burger King, but hey — it’s just good times.

I think my Simpsonized character is a bit chunky, though some might say he’s better looking. I’d love to see him down at Moe’s sometime.

Now that I’ve Simpsonized myself, I want to Simpsonize all sorts of other people: My boss, my daughter, Dick Cheney. Geeez, I might not work all day. But, you know, now that I’ve blogged about it, I can consider it work-related.

And now this Simpsonize thing is spreading. Here’s my features co-worker Sarah Linn:

And here’s features/business reporter Dawn White:

And entertainment editor Justin Hoeger:

One comment

  1. cool! Thanks for sharing me the link…Vania