Champagne, glamour, sex and respect

Eurotrash act Günther puts on an enjoyably silly show

As I sat crushed between two full-grown males in a Subaru headed to Santa Barbara, the thought flitted through my head a few times: “Why I am doing this?”

In a word: Günther.

Günther, for the uninitiated, is Eurotrash personified — a strutting Swede whose silly, irresistibly catchy club-mix hits include “Ding Dong Song” and “Teeny Weeny String Bikini.”

His look: Mullet, mustache and leather pants so tight they must be airbrushed on. Did I mention the pop-star pout?

Günther rarely plays in the United States, so when my friends found out the Swedish star was performing at UC Santa Barbara for FREE this past Friday night, we piled into the car.

We arrived at Storke Plaza around 9:30 p.m. to a scene straight out of “EuroTrip.”

Thousands of college kids and pop culture addicts crowded the concrete square, dancing to the poorly amplified DJ and sporting the kind of sleek, shiny look popularized by Ukrainian discotheques. I even heard a few European accents.

Then Günther and his ubiquitous Sunshine Girls strode onstage. He wore a leather jacket and giant shades. His blonde and brunette co-stars wore — what else? — strapless sequined tops and fringe-laden miniskirts.

The Sunshine Girls sang. Günther strutted. And the crowd went wild.
Enthusiastic fans hurtled themselves and whatever was handy at the stage as security guys pulled out the more aggressive crowd-surfers. Songs from 2004’s “Pleasure Man” and an upcoming album thudded through the speakers.

The concert came to a halt only when a shoe landed squarely on a Sunshine Girl’s sparkling bust. As Günther might say, less champagne, more respect, please.

Günther and the girls huffed offstage, but it didn’t take much to convince them to return for a multi-song encore. You can’t keep a lover-man down.


Is Günther for real? Or is he, as my theory goes, an elaborate gag concocted to weasel a few krona out of fans of VH1’s “I Love The 80s”?
Decide for yourself at the following link.

A warning: Gunther’s sexually suggestive lyrics and racy videos make this Web site neither work-safe nor family friendly, so please proceed with caution.

— Sarah L.