Hope and drama on film

Looking for movies that move you, change you and make you think?
Check out HopeDance Films, the local movie series sponsored by San Luis Obispo’s HopeDance Magazine, dedicated to environmental and social issues.
Each movie addresses a separate social issue and costs $7 or less.
The series continues tonight with at 7 p.m. with “Born Into Brothels,” the Oscar-winning documentary about the children of prostitutes in Calcutta’s notorious red light district. In the movie, filmmakers Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman teach the children to take photographs of their poverty-stricken surroundings, giving them hope of a better life.
“Born Into Brothels” is being screened in connection to Cal Poly’s Diversity Awareness Film Festival.
Like all films in the HopeDance series, the movie will be shown at the San Luis Obispo City-County Library, 995 Palm St. in San Luis Obispo. Tickets are $5.

HopeDance Films continues this month with the following films:

“Black Gold,” 7 p.m.
Filmmakers Nick and Marc Francis follow an Ethiopian coffee grower as he struggles to find fair trade in an industry dominated by multinational corporations. $7.

“America: From Freedom to Fascism,” 7 p.m.
Aaron Russo connects the creation of the Federal Reserve system to the loss of civil liberties in America. $5.

“Planet Earth,” 7 p.m.
Celebrate Earth Day with parts one and two of the Discovery Channel series about our planet’s natural splendor and diversity, narrated by David Attenborough. Free.

“Planet Earth,” 7 p.m.
The Earth Day celebration continues with parts three and four of “Planet Earth.” Free.

“Dark Water Rising,” 7 p.m.
Filmmaker Mike Shiley, who wrote and directed the acclaimed documentary “Inside Iraq,” looks at volunteers’ efforts to rescue thousands of pets in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. $6

Learn more at HopeDance Magazine’s Web site

– Sarah L.