Monthly Archives: February 2007

I kissed David Copperfield

Up close and personal with master illusionist David Copperfield Last night, I got up close with David Copperfield. We weren’t exactly sharing a toothbrush. But by a surprising twist of fate, I found myself in front of a packed Performing Arts Center in San Luis Obispo, just feet from the master magician himself. He’s older […]

Hold the butter

I have to say, the digital video recorder – DVR, for those of us in the know — has opened up a new world for me. Take the Oscars, for instance. Usually pretty boring, right? It lasts about nine hours and features overdone musical numbers, cheesy tributes to people I don’t care about and long, […]

Live From the Oscars

Welcome to the Tribune’s features staff blog, SLO Goings. It’s a place for the staff of Central Coast Living and the Ticket section to talk about the latest in arts and entertainment news. Is it just me or were the Oscars a little more fun this year? Sure, the big prizes came as no surprise: […]